Bye Bye Frizz 👋🏽

Don’t you just hate it when your hair straighteners just die on you and within the same couple days your hair dryer blows up on you. 

I do!

The past couple of weeks have been utter hell for me, ( and this may be the underlying self conscious reason for the little blogging I have done recently – sorry lovelies!) my hair, to say the least, is frizzy and very hard to maintain! Especially in this indecisive Cornish weather I am having to endure over Easter! I have been attempting to use argan oil products to flatten the frizz but I hate the oily texture and end up washing it straight out!

So, thanks to my wonderful mum, I had an impulse purchase…

Boots travel hair dryer at 9.99 it was a bargain, I don’t want anything fancy just something that will blow hot air at my hair and with a 5 year guarantee you definitely can’t go wrong… Don’t worry I’ve have framed the receipt! 

My new Nikki Clarke straighteners though are what I am here to rave about! They are super quick to heat up to a perfect temperate of 240 degrees on the max setting, with three others to choose from.

 Just to show how good they actually are I have done a before and after shot (putting my dignity on the line 🙃).

This is my freshly washed and dried hair, I have left the straighteners on for 30 seconds to heat up.

To achieve a dead straight look that’ll last all day I straighten my hair in three layers, combing as I go in order to get rid of any static making my hair appear frizzy.

To achieve this look it took me a total time of 8 minutes!

The straighteners come with the usual accessories; a large brush, a comb and two styling clips. 💁🏼